Dr. Tim Murray and Weaponized Wheat

Drs. Tim Murray and Mike Pumphrey at WSU contributed information to an article titled “Weaponizing Wheat: How Strategic Competition With Russia Could Threaten American Food Security” on pp. 34-49 of the latest issue of the Joint Force Quarterly by NDU Press that was written by Karl Scheuerman: https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/jfq/jfq-111/jfq-111.pdf  Karl Scheuerman works in the Tri-Cities and is a reservist who had the opportunity to get an MS at the National Defense University. Karl doesn’t work in agriculture, but is from a Palouse agricultural family that owns https://www.palouseheritage.com/. Karl interviewed Tim and Mike as part of this research paper on the weaponization of wheat. His paper won first place in the annual Secretary of Defense National Security Essay Competition.