Visit the Clinic
The Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic is located in 228 Clark Hall on the WSU campus in Pullman. Clark Hall is the building between Hulbert Hall and Food Science and Human Nutrition.
Permits are required for parking in visitor spaces and may be purchased for $5-6 at the Visitor Center. Visitor and metered parking spaces are available on the streets north and south of Clark Hall. An hourly parking garage is located near the Compton Union Building (CUB).
Ship Samples To
Clinic USPS mailing address:
Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic
Department of Plant Pathology
P.O. Box 646430
Pullman, WA 99164-6430
UPS and FedEx address:
Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic
Department of Plant Pathology
410 Dairy Road
Pullman, WA 99164
Please do not mail on a Friday or before any national holiday as the specimens may deteriorate over the weekend.