Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic
The Washington State University Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic is dedicated to serving the state of Washington and its citizens through high quality service by providing plant disease and disorder diagnosis, pest identification, and management strategies. The Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic provides plant health problem diagnosis to homeowners; greenhouse and nursery operations; public and private landowners; and commercial growers including those involved with agriculture, horticulture, and floriculture.
To submit a sample for Diagnosis, please fill out a submission form (pdf) and follow the sample guidelines.
Please Note: Hemp samples MUST be accompanied by a Washington State Hemp Producer’s License
To submit a sample for virus testing, please fill out a Virus Test Submission Form (pdf).
Clinic Locations
Washington State University operates two Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinics, in Puyallup and in Pullman. Services of either clinic are available to clients statewide; samples from eastern Washington are usually submitted to Pullman.
To send a sample from a state other than Washington, please contact the clinic prior to submission. Out of state samples will be charge double the service fee.
Please Note: We cannot accept cannabis samples due to WSU compliance with Federal policy.