Graduate Student Organization
Who we are
The Plant Pathology Student Organization consists of MS and PhD students who are studying important diseases/disorders that affect plants from the scale of molecular interactions to applied field-based research. The organization includes all students in the Plant Pathology program and has elected officers that help advocate for our students at all levels of the university. Students are encouraged to nominate themselves or others for officer positions and to participate in the student organization.
Where we are
Members are located across the state from main campus in Pullman to the Research and Extension Centers in Mount Vernon, Prosser, Puyallup, and Wenatchee. Visit or reach out to any officer with any questions.
What we do
The Plant Pathology Student Organization provides support to students and host meetings twice a month. One meeting focuses on logistics and the other is more social. Those meetings are usually scheduled at the beginning of each semester.
In addition to academic work, members like to have fun. There are many events the organization hosts throughout the year:
- Fall Festival Booth
- Thanksgiving potluck
- Winter party
- Mushroom forays
- Student-invited speaker events
- Departmental swag design
- Monthly game nights
- Lentil Festival
- Weekly coffee hours
How to get involved
Elections are held every year in March. Please see our Constitution (pdf) if you would like to learn more about our roles. Everyone is invited to attend meetings or send comments/feedback.
Sam Jayasinghe
Vice President
Itsuhiro Ko
Roshani Baral-Mount Vernon Rep
Kristen Bullough
Faculty Liaison
Elliott Marston
GPSA CAHNRS Representative
Anita Paneru