Clinic Services

The Pullman Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic provides or coordinates the following services:

Plant Problem Diagnosis

The Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnosis by using visual and microscopic examination, pathogen culturing, immunological tests such as ELISA, and molecular tests like PCR for a limited number of pathogens. To submit a sample please fill out a plant sample submission form (pdf) and follow the guidelines for sample submission. The minimum cost is $40.00.

Fees for Diagnostic Services

  • Plant Problem Diagnosis – $40.00.

Additional Plant Problem Diagnosis Options

  • Metalaxyl-Resistant Pythium Soil Testing: The Clinic can assay soil that is suspected to contain Pythium species that are resistant to the fungicide Metalaxyl. Please contact the clinic for instructions on collecting soil for the best results. The cost is $40.00.
  • Potato Field Verticillium Soil Testing: The Clinic can assay soil for Verticillium dahliae. Please contact the clinic for instructions on collecting soil for the best results. The cost is $40.00. *Testing takes a minimum of 4 weeks*
  • Phytophthora Soil and Water Baiting: The Clinic can assay soil and water samples for the presence of Phytophthora. Please contact the clinic for instructions on collecting soil for the best results. The cost is $40.00. *Testing takes a minimum of 2 weeks*
  • NEW!!! Nematode Diagnostics: Please contact the clinic for instructions on collecting samples for best results. Starting cost is $60.00
  • Please contact the clinic if you would like these tests to be conducted. Email: or phone: 509-335-3292

Insect/Arthropod Identification

The Clinic can identify common plant insect/arthropod plant pests. Please submit with an Insect Identification submission Form (pdf) and follow the guidelines for insect submission. Depending on the extent of identification, you may be charged $25.00.

Plant Virus Testing

The Clinic is able to use a number of molecular tools to test for various plant viruses. If a virus is suspected, please submit a Virus Sample Submission Form (pdf)

Fees for Virus Testing Services

  • ELISA Test – $30.00
  • PCR based test – $100.00

Plant/Weed Identification

The Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic can offer plant identification as well, but will in most cases defer to Dr. Richard Old, who is contracted by the Department of Crops and Soil Sciences (CSS) to make these identifications. Samples which arrive at the Clinic will be forwarded digitally to Dr. Old. Clients may submit samples directly to Dr. Old by visiting the CSS website: Weed Identification.

Please note that out of state samples will be charged double the service fee. 

Please do not include payment with your sample. An invoice will be generated and sent once diagnosis has been completed.