Gary Grove
Professor and Plant Pathologist 509-786-9283 Hamilton Hall 136 24106 N Bunn Rd.Research Specialty and Interests
Epidemiology and management of fungal diseases of stone fruits; powdery mildew diseases; disease forecasting and management; fungicide resistance management.
Professional Experience and Activities
- WSU Professor of Plant Pathology, 2006-present
- Director, WSU Prosser IAREC, 2013-2018
- Director, Washington Agricultural Weather Network, 2016-2018
- Director, Washington Agricultural Weather Network, 2006-2010
- WSU Associate Plant Pathologist, 1993-2006
- WSU Assistant Plant Pathologist, 1986-1992
- Postdoctoral Plant Pathologist, University of California, Davis, 1984-1986
- Technical Assistant, Soybean Pathology Laboratory, OSU/OARDEC, Wooster 1979-1981
- Technical Committee Member, Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers
- Senior Editor, Plant Health Progress
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
- WSU-CAHNRS Team Multidisciplinary Award for Tree Fruit Decision Aid System (2013)
- Washington State University Sahlin Award for Outreach and Engagement, 2012
- American Society of Enology and Viticulture Best Paper Award (2012)
- American Phytopathological Society Excellence in Extension Award, 2010
- WSU-CAHNRS Award of Merit, 2010
- WSU-CAHNRS Team Multidisciplinary Award, 2008
- Councilor, Pacific Division, American Phytopathological Society 2003-present
- American Society for Enology and Viticulture
- American Phytopathological Society
- Canadian Phytopathological Society
- Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers
- WSU CAHE Team Excellence Award, 1998
- WSU Delegate to ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Program (1999)
- Presidential Fellowship, The Ohio State University (1983-1984)
- Graduate Research Assistantship, The Ohio State University (1981-1983)
- Probst, C., Pandey, B., Swamy, P., and Grove, G.G. 2021. Factors affecting the infection of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) fruit by Podosphaera cerasi. Plant Disease 2873-2879.
- Swamy, P., Probst, C., and Grove, G.G. 2019. Incidence of Podosphaera clandestina on sweet cherries (Prunus avium) and the influence of postharvest handling practices on the survival of conidia on harvested fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 156: 212-220.
- Moparthi, S., Pandey, B., Bradshaw, M., Rooney Latham, S., Braun, E., Meeboon, M., and Romberg, M., and Grove, G.G., 2019. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Podosphaera cerasi, sp. nov., ad Podosphaera prunicola sensu lato. Mycologia 111: 647-659.
- Pandey, B., Naidu, R.A. & Grove, G.G. 2018. Detection and analysis of mycovirus-related RNA viruses from grape powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe necator. Arch Virol 163, 1019–1030 (2018).
- Pandey, B., Naidu, R.A. & Grove, G.G. Next generation sequencing analysis of double-stranded RNAs from sweet cherry powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera prunicola. J Plant Pathol 100, 435–446 (2018) doi:10.1007/s42161-018-0092-0
- Moyer, Michelle & M. Newhouse, Jensena & Grove, Gary. (2018). Adjusting Product Timing during the Powdery Mildew Critical Window to Improve Disease Management. Catalyst: Discovery into Practice. 2. 7-14. 10.5344/catalyst.2018.18001.
- Pandey, B., Naidu, R.A., and Grove, G.G. 2017. Detection and analysis of mycovirus-related RNA viruses from grape powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe necator. Archives of Virology. 2017 Jan 22. doi: 10.1007/s00705-018-3714-0
- Moyer, M.M., J.M. Newhouse, and G.G. Grove. 2016. Efficacy of Biopesticides and Leaf Removal in Grapevine Powdery Mildew Management. Plant Health Progress 17(2):84-91.
- Thiessen, L.D., Keune, J.A., Neill, T.M., Turechek, W.W., Grove, G.G., and Mahaffee, W.A. 2016. Development of a grower-conducted inoculum detection assay for management of grape powdery mildew. Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 238–249.
- N. Wolfenbarger, S.T. Massie, C. Ocamb, E.B. Eck, G.G. Grove, M.E. Nelson, C. Probst, M.C. Twomey, & D.H. Gent. 2016. Distribution and Characterization of Podosphaera macularis Virulent on Hop Cultivars Possessing R6-Based Resistance to Powdery Mildew. Plant Disease 100 (6), 1212-1221.
- C. Probst, M. E. Nelson, G. G. Grove, M.C. Twomey & D.H. Gent. 2016. Hop Powdery Mildew Control Through Alteration of Spring Pruning Practices. Plant Disease 100 (8), 1599-1605.
- D.H. Gent, C. Probst, M. E. Nelson, G. G. Grove, S.T. Massie, M.C. Twomey. 2016.Interaction of Basal Foliage Removal and Late Season Fungicide Applications in Management of Hop Powdery Mildew. Plant Disease 100 (6), 1153-1160.
- Moyer, M.M. and Grove, G.G. 2015. Oidio de la uva para produccion commercial en el este de Washington: Biologiaa y manejo de la enfermedad. EM058es, pp 10. Pullman, WA. WSU Extension Publishing.
- Moyer, M.M., and Grove, G.G. 2015. Podredumbre por Botrytis en la uva para producción comercial en Washington: Biología y manejo de la enfermedad. FS046es , pp 5. Pullman, WA: WSU Extension Publishing.
- Nelson, M.E., Gent, D.H., and Grove, G.G. (2015). Meta analysis reveals a critical period for management of powdery mildew on hop cones. Plant Disease 99 (5): 632-640.
- Bourret, T.B., Vandemark, G.J., Henick-Kling, T.E., Glawe, D.A., & Grove, G.G. (2015). Diversity and molecular determination of wild yeasts in a central Washington State vineyard. North American Fungi. 8(15), 1-32.
- Gent, D.H., Nelson, M.E., Probst, C., and Grove, G.G. (2014). Crop damage caused by powdery mildew on hops and its relationship to late season management. Plant Pathology. 63(3), 625-639.
- Bourret T.B., G.G. Grove, G.J. Vandemark, T. Henick-Kling and D.A. Glawe. 2013. Diversity and molecular determination of wild yeasts in a central Washington State vineyard. North American Fungi 8(15): 1-32.
- Gent, D.H., Grove, G.G., Nelson, M.E., Wolfenbarger, S.N., and Woods, J.L. 2013. Crop damage caused by powdery mildew on hop and its relationship to late season management. Plant Pathology: DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12123.
- Gent, D.H., and Grove, G.G. 2012. Association of spring pruning practices with severity of powdery mildew and downy mildew on hop. Plant Disease. 96, 1343-1351.
- Austin, C., Wilcox,W.F., and Grove, G.G. 2011. Powdery Mildew Severity as a Function of Canopy Density: Associated Impacts on Sunlight Penetration and Spray Coverage. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture DOI:10.5344/ajev.2010.10077
- Ferguson, J.C., Tarara, J.M., Mills, L.J., Grove, G.G., and Keller, M. 2011. Dynamic thermal-time model of cold hardiness for dormant grapevine buds. Annals of Botany Ann Bot (2011) 107 (3): 389-396.doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq263
- Jones, V.P., Brunner, J.F., Grove, G.G., Petit, B., Tangren, G.V., and Jones, W.E. 2010. A web-based decision support system to enhance IPM programs in Washington tree fruit. Pest Management Science 66:587-595.
- Gent, D.H., Nelson, M.E., Farnsworth, J.L., and Grove, G.G. 2009. PCR detection of Pseudoperonospora humuli in air samples from hop yards. Plant Pathology Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2009.02143.x.
- Calabro, J., Spotts, R.A., and Grove, G.G. 2009. The Effect of Training System, Rootstock, and Cultivar on Sweet Cherry Powdery Mildew Foliar Infections. Hort Science 44(2):481-482.
- Gent, D. H., Nelson, M. E., George, A. E., Grove, G. G., Mahaffee, W. F., Ocamb, C. M., Barbour, J. D., Peetz, A., and Turechek, W. W. 2008. A decade of hop powdery mildew in the pacific northwest. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2008-0314-01-RV.
- Gent, D.H., Nelson, M.E., and Grove, G.G. 2008. Persistence of phenylamide insensitivity in Pseudoperonospora humuli. Plant Disease 92(3):463-468.
- Falacy, J.S., Grove, G.G., Mahaffee, W., Larsen, R.C., Vandermark, G.J., Glawe, D.A., and Galloway, H. 2007. Detection of Erysiphe necator (Uncinula necator) with Polymerase Chain Reaction and Species-Specific Primers. Phytopathology 97(10): 1290-1297.
- Grove, G.G., and Biggs, A.R. 2006. Production and Dispersal of Conidia of Leucostoma cinctum in Peach and Cherry Orchards Under Irrigation in Eastern Washington. Plant Disease 90: 587-591.
- Nelson, M.E., Chee, H., Grove, G., Eastwell, K., and Klein, R. 2006. Population Biology of Pseudoperonospora humuli in Oregon and Washington. Plant Disease 90: 1283-1286.
- Biggs, A.R., and Grove, G.G. 2005. Leucostoma canker of stone fruits. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI:10.1094/PHI-I-2005-1220-01.
- Walsh, J.D., and Grove, G.G. 2005. Repellency and repulsiveness of selected agrichemicals to the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2005-1228-01-RS.
- Grove, G.G., and Lunden, J.L. 2005. Use of petroleum derived spray oils in Washington grapevine powdery mildew management programs. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2005-0317-01-RS.
- Grove, G.G. 2004. Perennation of Uncinula necator in vineyards of Eastern Washington. Plant Dis.88:242-247.
- Nelson, M. E., Eastwell, K. C., Grove, G. G., Barbour, J. D., Ocamb, C. M., and Alldredge, J. R. 2004. Sensitivity of Pseudoperonospora humuli (the causal agent of hop downy mildew) from Washington, Idaho, and Oregon to fosetyl-Al (Aliette). Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2004-0811-01-RS.
- Grove, G.G., and Boal, R.J. 2003. Use of horticultural mineral oils in management of powdery mildew of cherries in Washington orchards and nurseries. Pages 539-546 In: Spray Oils Beyond 2000, Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. Publ. Veritage Press, Lisarow, NSW, Australia.
- Grove, G., Eastwell, K., Jones, A., and Sutton, T. 2003. Diseases of apple. Pages 459-488 in: Apples: Botany, Production and Uses, eds. D.C. Ferree and I.J. Warrington, CAB International, Wallington, Oxford, United Kingdom (Invited).
- Grove, G.G. 2002. Influence of temperature and wetness duration on infection of cherry and peach foliage by Wilsonomyces carpophilus. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 24: 40-45.
- Dugan, F.M., Lupien, S.L., and Grove, G.G. 2002. Incidence, aggressiveness, and in planta interactions of Botrytis cinerea and other filamentous fungi quiescent in grape berries and dormant buds in Central Washington State. J. Phytopathology 150: 375-381.
- Yamak, F., Peever, T.L., Grove, G.G., and Boal, R.J. 2002. Occurrence and identification of Phytophthora species pathogenic to pear fruit in irrigation water in the Wenatchee River Valley of Washington. Phytopathology 92: 1210-1217.
- Spotts, R.A., and Grove, G.G. 2002. First Report of Phytophthora syringae Causing Rot on Apples in Cold Storage in the United States. Plant Disease 86 (6): 693. Publication no. D-2002-0417-01N.
- Jarvis, W., Gubler, W.D., and Grove, G.G. 2002. Epidemiology of powdery mildews in agroecosystems. Pages 169-199 In: The Powdery Mildews, eds. R.R. Belanger, W.R. Bushnell, A.J. Dik, and T.L. Carver. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. (Invited).
- Olmstead, J.W., Lang, G., and Grove, G.G. 2001. Assessment of sweet cherry powdery mildew severity using digital image analysis. HortScience 36: 107-111.
- Olmstead, J.W., Lang, G., and Grove, G.G. 2001. Inheritance of powdery mildew resistance in sweet cherry. HortScience 36: 337-340.