- Rust Resistance in Asparagus F1 Hybrid Populations (pdf)
- Variation for Rust Resistance Within Asparagus Cultivars (pdf)
- Morphology and Taxonomy of Species of Phomopsis on Asparagus (pdf)
- Purple Spot and Stemphylium Leaf Spot of Asparagus (pdf)
- Development of Rust on Asparagus Cultivars After Inoculation with Basidiospores, Aeciospores, and Urediniospores of Puccinia asparagi (pdf)
- Effects of Wounding and Wetting Duration on Infection of Asparagus by Stemphylium vesicarium (pdf)
- Effect of Crop Debris Management on Severity of Stemphylium Purple Spot of Aspargus (pdf)
- Two Components of Slow-Rusting in Asparagus Infected with Puccinia asparagi (pdf)
- Effect of Rust on Yield of Susceptible and Resistant Asparagus Cultivars (pdf)